My First Post

My 50th birthday is around the corner and I honestly don’t know what to do with that information. One minute, I am a fresh-faced 20 year old ready to go out into the world and the next thing I know I am now about to reach a mile-stone that I am having problems wrapping my mind around is about to happen.

I think the reason that this has come as such a shock to me is because I’ve lost so much of my life to trauma and chronic illness. In my youth, I was so busy just trying to survive the day that I was never able to catch my breath and notice the long-view of the time flying by.

After randomly herniating a disk in my back this year, I decided that what I wanted most for my upcoming 50th birthday was to give myself the gift of reconnecting with my body again. I know it won’t be an easy task since my chronic illness limits both my physical and mental energy but I think it with be worth it all as long as I can come to a point of acceptance that my progress is going to be snail slow.

I was introduced to poi spinning in my late 30’s and while it was something I really enjoyed it was something I couldn’t seriously pursue because I just had too many road-blocks and challenges going on at the time to be able to focus on anything.

Now that my life is finally stable, this would be the best time to start the journey into learning some sort of mastery when it comes to poi spinning and I plan on using this space as a personal journal in order to help me keep track of that journey.

A small note about the comment section, I decided that because this is just a personal journal and not a website used to build community or with any plans to be monetized that it would make no sense to turn on the ability to allow people to comment because of the major time-suck it would become trying to keep on top of spam comments. I truly apologize to any readers that all our interaction will have to be one way.