The Big Bad Reverse Two-Beat Weave

I do not have words right now to explain how frustrated I feel with my poi spinning progress right now. I have had zero issues through the years with doing a forward two-beat weave so it came to me as a major shock to find out trying to learn how to spin in reverse was going to be such an on-going thorn in my side.

I mean, don’t get me wrong. I am beyond thankful that I now have access to Nick Woolsey’s Poi Dancing: The Beginner Series on Udemy. (Thanks Nick!) Now that I am not flailing around from random YouTube video to YouTube video, for the first time I actually have a feeling of making some sort of real progress even with having to start over at square one. I have no doubt that being unable to do split-time in reverse has probably been an invisible weakness in my poi spinning this whole time.

I’ve just been kind of under the false assumption that my progress would be in a linear progression. But, instead I am able to do some tricks that would be considered ‘advanced’ for a beginning poi spinner like ‘Thread the Needle’ but here I am still struggle with doing the reverse two-beat weave. I guess this is a lesson learned. If I assumed there was going to be a linear progression, I need to let go of that assumption immediately.

My plan right now is because it appears I will have to drill the reverse two-beat weave for months to make any real progress with it, I am just going to watch through the whole Poi Dancing: The Beginner Series and loop around at the beginning again once I hit the end. My hope is that by then my two-beat weave will be strong enough to be able to take the course from the beginning and start to make real progress.

I was really hoping that I’d make major progress in this next six months so I could show off some of my new spinning skills at the summer camping event I go to. Oh well, at least even if I am not a spinner that can do a bunch of impressive tricks, I’ll still be a stronger spinner that I was the year before.