You Can’t Cut Corners With Spinning Poi

One of the major life lessons I have been learning when it comes to spinning poi is that unlike other things in life, you just can’t cut corners and you can’t rush things. I’ve put off spinning for the last while because drilling spinning in split-time reverse is just so damn boring. I came to the realization while struggling through my drills today that either I dedicate the bare minimum of 10 minutes EACH DAY drilling this or there just won’t be any moving forward. Yes, I just want to rush ahead and get to the fun tricks already but watching through Nick Woolsey’s Poi Dancing: The Beginner Series has caused me to slowly realize that if I don’t spend the time now on the fundamentals it will come back to bite me in the end.

The best thing about going through his course vs. just learning from random YouTube videos like I was before is that the course really shows how every movement in spinning poi is really built of other basic movements. I didn’t realize this fact when I was just jumping from one interesting YouTube video to another interesting YouTube video

I am just going to have to learn to deal with the fact that there is no way that I am going to make the progress that I was hoping for in the next six months and learn be okay with that. I am just going to be a weaker spinner than rest of the people at the summer event and no matter how much I wish it to be otherwise, it won’t change it.

2025 will probably be a different story if I stick with drilling and I will show improvement if I truly devote myself to poi spinning every day I am able for the next six months. But the truth of it all is this, while other people make things look easy and for all I know it might actually come super easy for them….it doesn’t come super easy for me. I am going to have to work longer and harder and in an immediate gratification world, I am just going to have to make peace with that fact.

I am allowed to hate that nothing comes easy for me, but I still need to make peace with it nonetheless.